A World in Crisis - Are You Ready?
(Seventh-Day Adventist End-Times Seminar - In Your Town?)

Have you received glossy tri-folds like this one?


Before you attend one of these "End-Times" or "Bible Prophecy" seminars, please read below!


What is interesting about this brochure?  On the surface it looks very professional...eye-popping graphics, attention-grabbing phrases like "Our World Is In Crisis", "Are You Ready", "Famine, War, Disease" and "Natural Disasters".

What's the real goal here?  You will be surprised.

The entire "seminar" is actually a deception.  It is part of a "bait-and-switch" tactic used by the Seventh-Day Adventist organization to secretly recruit and convert "Sunday-worshipping Christians" into their system of beliefs, which strays from Biblical Christianity!

Here's how it works (in a nutshell):

Unsuspecting Christians and/or those who are curious about end-times events or the book of Revelation are first recruited to a fancy end-times seminar or Bible prophecy conference.  This is accomplished by radio advertising and sending thousands of mailers.  Often those attending these events lack any real understanding of Bible prophecy, and the Seventh-Day Adventists (SDAs) know this very well.  They use these end-times seminars as a means of fear-mongering and scare tactics to trick attendees into thinking the Seventh-Day Adventist have it all figured out, is the only true church, and their organization is the only way to salvation.

These seminars are weekend events, or can range from 7 to 15 nights (some go longer).  The first few nights are are a series of impressive lectures and dazzling presentations, usually held at local school auditoriums or other community facilities so attenders are unaware of any church affiliation.  You'll see images of war and destruction, plus apocalyptic events found in the book of Revelation.  You'll be indoctrinated on SDA teachings about the rapture (no, the rapture is not a recent invention like they will tell you), and their numerous fanciful views of Bible prophecy which are intended to convince the unwitting Christian (also those who thought they understood Bible prophecy) that all other interpretations are wrong.

The final several nights of lectures are the bait and switch.  You will be asked to attend further lectures at a local Seventh-Day Adventist church where they will finish their seminar series, attempting to brainwash attendees into believing many of their heresies, such as:  (1) Sunday-worshiping Christians will be forced to take the mark of the beast; (2) Ellen White was the last true prophet (prophetess) of the Church; and (3) the SDA church is the true remnant church, thus all other denominations are possessed (owned) by Satan.  Does that sound like a cult?  Their goal is to frighten (use fear), then convince each person into accepting and submitting to SDA teachings, resulting in ultimate conversion and baptism.

Please do not attend their seminars.  If you attend a Seventh-Day Adventist church and have been convinced they are right, then do your research.  They adhere to many unbiblical and cult-like teachings!  Click here to learn more.

Here's another recent "bait-and-switch" seminar:

(on gullible Christians in Your Town)


Notice what is missing from the brochure:

Again, what is interesting about this brochure?  More eye-popping graphics, attention-grabbing phrases like "The Bible will be Our Guide", "Can You Cope with the Coming Crisis" and "The Mark of the Beast".  This was another SDA "prophecy seminar" set up as a "bait-and-switch" tactic used by the Seventh-Day Adventist organization to recruit you!


Here's another recent "bait-and-switch" seminar:


 (An Adventist Bible prophecy seminar disguised as a financial freedom seminar,
produced by, an Adventist Bible prophecy organization)

Christians beware.